Speaking of ... Christmas ...

Published on   2023-10-26 by Kai

We are in the pre-Christmas period. And if you're now mischievously quipping: "The pre-Christmas period begins on December 27, so we've been in this phase for a long time", then of course you're right.

However, I am referring to the time when it is made abundantly clear to me during everyday shopping that Christmas is really coming. And when the conspicuous displays of gingerbread, speculoos and similar festive items turn my path to the fruit and butter into an obstacle course. It annoys me anew every year when I feel that summer hasn't said goodbye yet, but the shopkeepers are already trying to sell me winter and festive items, or even force them on me.

Avoiding the hustle and bustle

However, this annoying and annoying hint also has its good side: it makes me realize that I should start thinking again about what I would like to give my loved ones this year, what they would be happy about. And that maybe this year I should manage not to binge buy the last presents on the morning of December 24th, in a crowd of many other male customers (why do women always manage this better?), who are exasperatedly looking for the one item that they have known for some time that they want to give to their loved one, but which is sold out on that day with undoubted mercilessness - and have been for weeks. Not to mention the exhausting and fruitless deliberation until the last day about what to give that special friend or aunt.

From gimmick to aid

You know what I mean, do you struggle every year to find the right gifts? I can help, at least if you have one or more golf enthusiasts in your circle of loved ones. Because gifts for golfers are easy to find, in the end it only depends on the quantity of the contents of the wallet as to what will end up under the Christmas tree. For golfers, there is nothing that doesn't exist, ranging from a small gimmick with a fun idea to a tool that can really make the round on the course easier or even more beautiful.

Here are my suggestions that will appeal to gift-givers with both small and large wallets. And they are just suggestions. If you browse carefully, you will find many more that will put a smile on the face of your golfing friend when they unwrap their gift on Christmas Eve. Have fun with your selection.

Golf score counter

Golfers know the drill: the hole is finished, the ball is picked up and you think about how many clubs it took. It's not unusual to look back to the tee and count in your mind: But was it 4 or 5 clubs? With this score counter, this is a thing of the past. A useful little item that fits comfortably in your trouser pocket or - with the small chain - on the belt loop of your trousers.

Microfiber golf towel

The small towel for golfers is often forgotten and yet essential. It is not needed for the hands, but to remove dirt, grass or sand from the club after the shot. Anyone who has ever been on a round without one and seen the sand on the clubface of their wedge after a bunker shot will gladly confirm the indispensability of such a towel.

Wilson men's Grip Plus golf glove

You can't play without a glove, it protects the palm from blisters and also secures the grip so that the club can't slip away. Wilson has a good model in its range. If this glove is intended as a gift, you should make sure it is the right size.

Golf calendar 2024

Everyone needs calendars. And if they also show wonderful views of beautiful golf courses, then the golf enthusiast's heart will beat faster.

Golf wine accessories gift set

Golfers are connoisseurs, as they appreciate the beautiful landscapes in which they play their sport. And they also appreciate a good food and drink menu at the 19th hole. It goes without saying that this also applies to their own homes. Whether cork or capsule, this is the link between sport and (liquid) enjoyment.

Golf accessories in a leather bag

Anyone who owns this set will never have to worry about being forgetful on the course, because it contains everything you might leave behind: Ball, tee, brush and lots of little things more. All packed in a pretty leather case. The real all-round gift.

Golf putting mat

Now comes the dark and damp season. During these months, many shy away from the course and even more so from the practice facilities. To ensure that your talent doesn't atrophy over the turn of the year, you should also pick up a club at home from time to time if possible. Teeing off in your own living room is of course not recommended, but if you have a little space, you can use this useful practice aid to work on your putting skills even when it's stormy or snowing outside - and without spending a lot of time because you don't have to travel to the golf course.

Golf travel bag with wheels

Golfers who like to travel with their cutlery cannot do without this container. Golf bags are not made for long journeys by train or plane, as they do not protect the club heads enough and often have to be carried. Not with this bag, in which the entire bag can be stowed. Everything is protected inside and can be pulled along comfortably on wheels. A useful helper.

Mileseey Golf Laser Rangefinder

Choosing the right club before every shot is important for a good score. And this choice depends on the distance the ball has to travel to the green. You can estimate this distance, you may know it on your home course and yet sometimes you choose the wrong club, the ball flies too far or not far enough. A laser measuring device can help with this. Quickly aim at the flag and the distance is clear and, with a little experience, the golfer knows which club is needed. An invaluable aid, especially on unfamiliar courses.

Garmin Approach S60 GPS golf watch

Anyone equipped with a golf watch is one of the kings of the course. Because this watch has a lot of information on a very small display. Countless golf courses all over the world can be called up, every hole is displayed, shot distances are recorded and a complete round can be displayed and analyzed on the computer afterwards. Some even give tips and recommend the right club: state-of-the-art technology on the course thanks to GPS.

Garmin Approach R10 Launch Monitor

Golfers know only too well that practice makes perfect. Many hours are spent on the range, tee shot after tee shot to make the correct movement pattern a routine. But this is difficult without a trainer, as there is no feedback. That's where this launch monitor comes in. Among other things, it records swing speed, distance, the angle of the club head at impact and ball rotation. This data shows where the weak points of the swing are to be found. As indispensable for ambitious golfers as a regular coaching session.

MGI Zip Navigator Electric Golf Cart with Remote Control and Accessories

In the German comedy "Jede Menge Kohle (a lot of coal (meaning money))", you learn that the miner says: "What you can drive, you don't have to carry." - This golf trolley goes one step further, as it is motorized and drives the sometimes heavy bag across the course almost all by itself. It only needs to be steered. This saves energy, especially on hilly courses, which is not only more comfortable but also improves accuracy. A luxury item, admittedly, but it can also improve your score.

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